KDD 2016 Workshop on Large Scale Sports Analytics Objectives:

For the 3rd successive year, we will be running the KDD workshop on Large-Scale Sports Analytics.

The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers and analysts from academia and industry who work in sports analytics, data mining and machine learning. We hope to enable meaningful discussions about state-of-the-art in sports analytics research, and how it might be improved upon.

We seek poster submissions (which can be both preliminary research as well as recently published work) on topics including but not limited to:

* Spatiotemporal modeling

* Video, text and social media analysis

* Feature selection and dimensionality reduction

* Feature learning and latent factor models

* Computational rationality

* Real-time predictive modeling

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  1. *Interactive analysis & visualization tools

  2. *Sensor technology and reliability

  3. *Labeling and annotation of events/activities/tactics

  4. *Real-time/deployed analytical systems

  5. *Knowledge discovery of player/team/league behaviors

  6. *Game theory

  7. *The Role of Data Analytics in Sports Betting

  8. *Evolution of Sports Betting Analytics

  9. *eSports


Patrick Lucey (STATS)               <>

Yisong Yue (Caltech)                  <>

Jenna Wiens (Uni of Michigan)   <>

Stuart Morgan (AIS)                    <>

NEW!!! Cascadia Symposium on Statistics in Sports (http://cascadiasports.com) is taking place in Vancouver on September 24 - there is a great lineup of speakers and panels - check out the website!!!

UPDATE (13th Aug): The workshop will take place in Franciscan A/B. Someone will be in the room by 7:45am to help set up with the posters. There should be enough room to put all the posters up at once, so they can remain up for the entire day.

UPDATE: Papers posted on website

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